How Does AI Work To Create DeepFake Celebrity Porn Videos?

When it comes to creating porn videos, you should know that the porn industry is becoming more and more advanced as newer technologies emerge. Now, you already know that the porn industry has embraced VR or virtual reality technology. But, there is a new type of porn that people love at this moment. 

You know that the mind of men and women are quite inquisitive about their favourite celebrities. They want to see their favourite celebrities naked. You also want to watch your favourite celebrities naked for sure and some of your favourite celebrities have also posted naked. But, those are just a glimpse of their entire package. You want to see more.

A woman recognizes herself in a deepfake
A woman recognizes herself in a deepfake

The porn industry is smart and that is why they know what you want to see and try to create porn content according to your wants and needs. With that said, there is a new technology called deepfake by which the porn makers are now satisfying your need of watching your favourite celebrities naked. 

Yes, through this technology, many production houses are creating porn videos in which they are showing the faces of those celebrities instead of the pornstars in the industry. Therefore, you might see ebony squirt porn where your favourite black celebrity’s face is integrated in such a way that you will find it hard to believe that she is not that person. 

Even if you watch free ebony squirt movies, you will see in some of those porn videos, the use of that technology which is changing the way you used to watch porn videos. In many squirt porn movies, you will see squirt porn movies using deepfakes. So, let’s learn more about this new technology that the porn industry has incorporated. 

How Deepfakes Are Created

If you are not a tech person, then you will have a hard time understanding what deepfakes are simply because there are many of jargon involved while defining deepfakes properly. But, we will be looking to ensure that most of the readers can understand what deepfakes are, and thus, we will explain it in simple terms. 

The main thing you should look to is to find out how deepfakes are created. Well, they run through a database of various pictures and videos of a particular celebrity. Now, the machine learning technology will analyze those facial cuts and expressions and by doing so will help in placing the facial cuts and expressions of that celebrity to another person’s face. 

In this way, you will find that a porn video in which you saw different porn actresses performing is now replaced by the face of a celebrity. This is happening now quite frequently as people are enjoying this. They want to watch their favourite celebrities and stars having sex and these people creating deepfakes are delivering what people are looking to watch.

Is It Possible to Detect Deepfakes?

Deepfakes are created very meticulously. But, you have to understand that nothing can come close to reality, and therefore, no matter how perfect a deepfake video is, you will be able to understand whether it is fake or not. The deepfakes are still getting tested and not the end product and from what the tech guys are saying, you can rest assured when the technology will be perfected, you will have a very tough time deciphering which one is real and which one is fake. 

Kim K. fucked in a deepfake
Kim K. fucked in a deepfake

Is Deepfakes Dangerous

Any technology can be a blessing or a curse. It depends on how people will use it. Now, once this technology becomes harder to decipher, people might start using it to threaten people by making their porn videos using deepfakes. It can happen to most celebrities. Therefore, deepfake technology is not dangerous but if it goes into the hands of criminals, they will make it a curse for everyone. 

The Bottom Line

Finally, when it comes to adapting any technology, the porn industry will always be one of the first to do that. And, thus, they have done it with deepfakes as well. You will find plenty of porn videos now that are made using deepfakes. Go ahead and watch them as you will surely enjoy watching them.